"What women love most"

One of the must difficult questions in human history is not related to thermodynamics, time travels or world peace, it is "What Women Want"... trough time, different people from different cultures had tried to answer that question:

"Some said women love riches best,
Some said honor, some said gaiety,
Some rich clothing, some said lust in bed,
And frequently to be widow and wedded.
Some said that our hearts are most eased
When we are flattered and pleased.
He goes very near the truth, I will not lie.
A man shall win us best with flattery,
And with attentions and with solicitude
We are caught, every one of us."

-The Wife of Bath's

I think is more than that, I believe that from the inside, unconsciousness they just want to call people attention, as the magical being that they are, with their halo of coquettishness and mystery. Using and manipulating (most of the time unconsciousness)... because girls have the power... And God helps us all...One of the must difficult questions in human history is not related to thermodinamics, time travels or world peace, it is "What Women Want"... trough time, diferent people from different cultures had tried to answer that question.

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