A brief intro to literature

“ no text provides self-contained meaning; literary texts do not exist independently of readers‘ interpretations. A text …is not finished until it is read and interpreted....religious, cultural and social values affect readings” (Kennedy and Gioia, 2005)

In this quotation taken from slide number seven of the presentation, the writer categorizes literature as a written text, but it is more than that. Literature is all kind of expressions, that shows feeling, ideas, thoughts, information etcetera.

As a personal opinion, I think that movies, plays, songs, graphic novels and comics are also literature. However. the text itself, no matter if it is from a song or a story whatsoever, is the most important source; the matrix of literature. Without the text, there's nothing. There is no movie or theatrical play without a scrip, or there is no song without lyrics. The written word is the source of all of them, and when we listen to a song or when we watch a movie, we are just watching a representation of a written text.

Written text is vital for all of us, because it is the pure representation of the ideas of the author. It also helps us to discover and understand the root of the ideas throught our own conception. In education this will be fundamental for us because as future teachers, we hope our students increase and develop their minds.

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