Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf is the representation of how sexism had influenced in the literature since the very beginning. The figure of Shakespeare’s sister that she presented in her text is the reflection of all the women that had not the same opportunities than men and how they (the women) could do the same literary work than men.

I personally believe that Virginia was a brave woman because she could present her ideas in a world in which the women were underestimated, no matter Woolf's high social status or her sexual tendencies.

Unfortunately, I believe that nowadays feminism is far away from the ideals of women rights, I think that these days feminism is a new way of male chauvinism, because it is always remembering the women’s poor quality of rights and her lack of opportunism instead of having a wider point of view and seeing women as they really are: as equals as men. We must, as a society, let our gender in a secondary role and having as a protagonist the Human Existence. I trust that is the message that Virginia tried to present.

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